AutoLogin as root in High Sierra, Mojave

Valued Contributor

Is it possible to do auto-login as root in High Sierra and/or Mojave - or that option is completely no more available?

Integrity protection is off, I am able to login as root. But in System Preferences - Users - Login Options the "Super Administrator" name is not available under Automatic login list.

Maybe some command line magic?



Valued Contributor II

The following use to work - I think it's no longer a feature as of 10.13 (or 10.13.3 or 10.13.4 NOT POSITIVE) You must manually login to Root. If I am wrong, please correct me and let us know how you did it!

after enabling root with directory utility and then running these commands from root terminal... use to work..

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUser root
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUserUID 0
sudo shutdown -r now
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View solution in original post


Valued Contributor II

The following use to work - I think it's no longer a feature as of 10.13 (or 10.13.3 or 10.13.4 NOT POSITIVE) You must manually login to Root. If I am wrong, please correct me and let us know how you did it!

after enabling root with directory utility and then running these commands from root terminal... use to work..

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUser root
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUserUID 0
sudo shutdown -r now
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Valued Contributor

@Hugonaut Thank you Hugo - it works! Appreciate your help!

Valued Contributor II

Great to hear, glad to help. I guess with integrity off it allows it, didnt work with integrity on (on mojave) for me!

Looking for a Jamf Managed Service Provider? Look no further than Rocketman

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Contributor II

@Hugonaut @mhasman Did you get that to work with Mojave? I was able to get it to work back with 10.13.3 but I havent been able to get it to work since. Tried SIP disabled, with or without a password for root. Doesnt auto login.

Valued Contributor

I did not try it with Mojave yet. Maybe will try in 2-3 weeks

Valued Contributor II

@chrisdaggett I have a workflow for AutoLogin not sure if it will work for root though.

Here are the steps I took:
(Works with 10.14.6)

  1. I used this tool to create a py script. MacUserGenerator
  2. Add the py script into a custom PKG with composer
  3. Create a kcpassword for this account and add it to you custom PKG
  4. Add a post install script & kcpassword into the PKG.
  5. Done

Post Install Script:
(replace Administrator with your username)


#Account Script
sudo chmod +x /tmp/
sudo python /tmp/

#Enable Autologin
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUser -string Administrator

#Reboot Mac
sudo shutdown -r now

exit 0      ## Success
exit 1      ## Failure
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Contributor II

@kericson I've used your workflow and autologin still doesn't work for me. Well, it works if i execute the workflow AFTER the user has logged in once. How is your policy triggers - ie is it part of a DEP workflow?

New Contributor III

@mhasman @Hugonaut @chrisdaggett @kericson Did you guys get that to work with Catalina?

Contributor II

@arnoldtaw Unfortunately not so far. Catalina is making things difficult on all accounts. (and just sucks in general IMO even administration aside... if I'm blunt).

Valued Contributor II

@arnoldtaw I haven't tried this with Catalina. My results on this became more hit and miss so I moved away from it.

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@arnoldtaw No, i did not succeed using root. So, instead of breaking macOS, I had to adopt another solutions