Autopkgr and JamfPatchUpdate stopped working

New Contributor II

I have Autopkgr setup to automatically update Jamf applications like Chrome, Firefox...etc  using the Jampatchuploader process by Graham Pugh.  This has been working fine for a year or so and now I noticed it quit working.  I updated all the repos and have the latest version of Autopkgr.  

Example:  The process downloads the latest version of Chrome, uploads it to the patch repository and links the new package to the patch policy.   Everything works except the last part I am getting this error 

ERROR: Couldn't find patch softwaretitle with name 'Google Chrome'

I validated that this is the correct name of the policy and I used the Swagger UI to check the API directly.  It returns the exact same name and the correct ID.

Hopefully someone has an idea about what is happening.


Contributor III

I'd create an account here and to the below channel and ask the question and Graham will answer you there.

jamf-uploader (Channel) - Mac Admins - Slack