Autorun Imaging Question

Valued Contributor

This is only our first year with Casper, but finally got around to trying to use Autorun data to make imaging a bit easier with a couple of our machines. However, after testing this it appeared that for both machines while the packages that get installed at First Run were being completed, none of our post-enrollment / imaging policies (which are triggered by enrollment for computers in our "Not Bound to AD" group) were not being triggered to run.

Is this to be expected and I'm just missing the point of Autorun imaging?

I just deleted the autorun data I had saved for the two machines, imaged again, and all of our post-enrollment policies ran correctly.


Honored Contributor II

There shouldn't be any difference between auto-run and normal imaging. Once Casper imaging starts to do its thing, auto-run has no part to play.

Could it be that it's auto-running a config that doesn't include everything you're expecting?

If it's a policy, as long as it's in scope and the Mac is reachable when it is triggered it should be ok. I normally use a first run script that calls a few policies to make the trigger a bit more predictable, I.e:

jamf policy -event "custom trigger name 1"
jamf policy -event "custom trigger name 2"
jamf policy -event "custom trigger name 3"

Valued Contributor III

Am I the only one who doesn't really like "Enrollment" triggered policies?
We had a couple that failed and they stopped everything else in post image occurring.
Once per computer on recurring seems to acomplish basically the same thing.
Like @davidacland I have moved most of the post image stuff into a script set to tun on reboot at imaging time.


@aporlebeke - did you ever get this figured out? Im having the same issue. Autorun imaging does not update the last enrollment section in JSS. Policies that have the trigger "enrollment complete" do not run on machines that have been auto run imaged

Valued Contributor

@acorn I did not. I'm really the only one touching the system from an administrative side of things, so as long as our imaging configurations are good and we use the right configuration for the computer we're imaging, I'm not too worried about it.

Not sure if this is a feature or a bug, but I might follow up with your TAM and see if you're curious.


Thanks, our JAMF rep was able to recplicate. Workaround for now is to add the quick add package at the end of the imaging process. Set it to install after image in JSS.