Batch exclude a group from mobile device apps.

New Contributor

Let's say that I have Group A.

I have 100 mobile apps with it set to assign to all devices.

Is there any way to exclude group A from those 100 apps without going through each app 1 by 1 and excluding it?


Valued Contributor III

I'm in your boat in some cases. I haven't found a way but the answer is likely in the API. Posting here hoping someone has a good answer.

New Contributor III

Two options:
1) Use the API, with which you can programatically edit the scope
2) Create a configuration profile that excludes those apps in its restrictions and scope it to your group. The problem with this approach is is that those apps will probably still show up in Self Service and be installable, just unavailable for use (therefore taking up space unnecessarily).

Valued Contributor III

would love some specific commands, advice on option 1...I'll be honest, I haven't tried to work with the API too much...I've got to get better at that, but what I would love to have is something like

For each App in the app catalog, append this smart group to it, or for the following app ids, append the following smart groups to it.

Sorry In advance...I do learn from any API help I'm given.

Option 2 is what I use for more punitive types of things but has worked in some cases for me.

New Contributor

Apparently we are not alone.