Best way to push contact list (vCard) to iPhones....

Contributor II

Best way to push contact list to iPhones

Did a search here in JAMF Nation, not really much there...

-A CardDav Server?
-or a group email with a vCard file to import into Contacts app
- Is there something that can be setup in Config Profile
- iOS Outlook is the app we would be using and there seems no Config Profile for Outlook?

the simpler the better....

thx in advance, John K


New Contributor II

You could put a Web Clip in self service that links to a vcard with all the contacts

New Contributor III

What did you discover? Any elegant solution? I also thought about the self-service web link option but then you would need to ask the end users to de-duplicate their lists. Right?

Contributor II


What's up.. We wound up using a gmail account (non Corporate account). But it was less than ideal... a pop up would constantly come up saying login, or enter password.

So I am looking to the Vcard / WebClip thing, but I cannot figure out how to upload the Vcard, in House App?

I am not sure about the Contacts duplicating, that could happen, but hopefully not. I would like to set this up as a Vcard / WebClip and see for myself what happens.

Any help, greatly appreciated.

thx, John

New Contributor III

In the end, our course will be to skip any jamf involvement. We'll add the user to the gSuite directory and then direct users to click on the Google "group" that appears in Contacts app in iOS. Users are able to search for the new employee and add a contact from the options list. This eliminates duplicates and the sharing of a contact vCard by email across the enterprise.

Contributor II


Sounds like a great idea... we can try it as well.

thx, john

New Contributor II

how did the vCard web clip work out for you?

New Contributor II

So I was tasked with sending out a managed contacts list to our different dept.s and this was how I did it- created an account for each contact list named by dept like this- contacts.teachers@......... then set up in JAMF. This works fine as we then log into the account and update as needed. The end user can also still add their own contacts to the phone without messing up our managed list. NOTE: when applied the first time works like a charm, however, if you edit the profile and resend, it asks for a PW. Also, the config profile on the device needs permissions to change settings- this is a problem if you are using JAMF reset/setup as these profiles have this option turned off. HINT: move the device out of scope and back in to get past the password issue. Also, I scoped the contacts app bundle to be used with this account. f6adb2bd5b864f7bb02de0451e01f7d0

Robert Giordano

New Contributor II

We use O365 in our school district and ended up building a carddav server. The various contact lists are then connected to the users outlook accounts.

Do you have any articles or guides on how to do that?

Valued Contributor

A client ended up using the GAL function and educating users how to access it from Outlook on iOS.