Better deferral option for automatic Apple software updates

Valued Contributor II

We have a policy for running Apple software updates that runs on every managed Mac weekly. We're using the built-in payload for this. The policy is setup to allow deferral in case a user is worried that a reboot could interrupt important work. The problem is that we must login to the Jamf Pro server often to update the deferral limit. If we forget, deferrals will no longer work. Does anyone know a way that we can setup a deferral that simply defines a specific number of days or hours to allow for deferrals? Ideally, I would like for the deferral limit to be 3 or 4 days. We have a lot of users who seem to put off allowing software updates to run until they are eventually forced by us to do them, or until the deferral period runs out. I have often activated a policy that does not allow deferrals so that we can ensure that important updates are actually ran. I don't like being heavy handed, but we need for software updates to actually get done. Maybe this is a good topic for a feature request.


Not applicable

You had me at "better deferral option". Period. For everything.

Legendary Contributor III

Go upvote this feature request. Send it to anyone you know who has a JamfNation account to tell them to upvote it as well. Rinse and repeat until Jamf gets the message that this type of run count or x total days per device deferral option is super important to us. Because it is, and frankly I don't understand why they haven't made this happen yet.

Valued Contributor II

@mm2270 I will do that right now. I will nag them until they do this. I can't believe that they actually expect us to login regularly and update deferral time.