Posted on
07:19 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
I use student usernames (essentially, their email address before the @ sign) for their device names. For now I have them enter that name in when they receive their devices as part of the enrollment process, then I update a profile that says they can't change them. Somehow some them end up changed anyway. I wish JAMF would provide 'username' as an option for forcefully naming devices, or allow me to use a variable like $username somewhere that would force the username to be applied and stick. Maybe there is a way to do this and I just don't know it.
I just used JSS MUT and that changed a few misnamed devices, but didn't change all of them and I don't know why.
By the way, if I have one profile that has an item checked, and another profile that has that same item unchecked, and the same user receives both profiles, which profile setting will be applied? There are times when I want to create a configuration profile that applies to everyone with maybe one or two restrictions, but other default settings (such as checkmarks under restrictions) may differ from what is configured for some other configuration profiles. What takes precedence in cases like this?
i'm using JAMF Cloud if that matters.
Thank you in advance for anyone who can help!
Posted on 05-04-2018 07:37 AM
The iPad name cannot be changed if the name change restriction is enforced. I name devices to serial number at enrollment and then have a restriction profile populated by a smart group of iPads that have a corporate app installed automatically (i.e. Self Service).
Basically Device goes through DEP > Name change Enforced > Corp App installs automatically (Self Service) > Name change disallow is enforces.
I have no workaround to name advise to username - maybe someone else can chime in on that front.
In addition, the most restrictive is enforced.
Hope this clarifies,