Better Jamf Policy Deferral script by Haircut

New Contributor III

Hey has anyone used for a deferral policy for Mac OSX updates? I need some help with it. I am confused with setting the actual plist variable. I am a newb so please don't assume I understand every nuance. I am trying to learn these nuances. I have manipulated some plist files for other scripts. But I really don't understand how to leverage plist files in general. I assume based on the instructions in the readme that I need to create this plist... if so where do I store it?

Edit: Disregard, I figured it out. Now I am just trying to resize the jamf helper window for the deferral as the whole prompt just sizes off the screen and there is no way to resize.

Edit #2: Resized Jamf Helper Window. Good to go now!!!


New Contributor III

Has this been tested for Catalina?

New Contributor

How does it work for you? Can you include your P-List and Jamf Helper window size... I am also a newb and want to get this going so the users have a better experience with updates! THank you Kdean! Any help is greatly appreciated