Blank Self Service Categories after LDAP Login?

Contributor III

We are seeing an issue just recently where the right hand column in Self Service containing the Categories goes blank after someone logs in using an LDAP user account. We have our Helpdesk and LLC staff log in using their LDAP account in order to access some utilities in Self Service. We then have those utilities scoped out using our HelpDesk LDAP group.

Within the past day or so, we have been seeing this issue pop up. When I log in with my JSS account (LDAP but specifically scoped in the JSS Privileges section) Self Service works properly. However, if I log in with any other LDAP account, the categories go blank.

Any ideas?




@musat I had a similar issue.

Make sure your JSS LDAP settings, under "User Group Mappings", and then "Object Class(es)" is set to:
group, top

Contributor II

seeing the same thing here starting today. everything was working fine the other day and nothing changed on our side as far as i know.

New Contributor III

We are seeing the same thing also. Verified the following: System Settings, LDAP server, Mappings, User Group Mappings, Object Class(es) set to "group, top"

Contributor III

Hmm, ok. At least it's nice to know it's not just me. I've also verified that our User Mappings are still correct. This had been working up until recently.


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Since Self Service on OS X now lists Mac App Store apps, could this have anything to do with the App Store outage?

Apple Services, Stores, and iCloud Status Page

We are seeing this in several (production and test) JSS instances, none of which are tied to LDAP.

Contributor III

@jcarr I believe you are correct. While we are AD/LDAP integrated, VPP usage is rather limited at this point (a single 1:1 iPad site). "Only" accounts tied to VPP seemed problematic. OS X users (AD) with no VPP references were fine using Self Service across the same clients.

The affected account(s) went back to normal slightly before the aforementioned Apple Services/Status page went back to green.

New Contributor III

I recently had this same issue (the week of May 14, 2015). If I logged into my LDAP account in Self Service, the only items that show are the plugins and whatever is featured. The Categories section, Notifications and Log Out simply disappeared after logging in. At some point my account had been sent a VPP invitation, once I deleted the invitation Self Service started working properly. This might be problematic since a number of our staff members have been invited to the VPP.


The only time I saw that happen is when the user logs in using DOMAIN/user

New Contributor II

I also just experienced this issue and, like @Jerod, I was able to resolve it by deleting a stale VPP invitation.

Thanks @Jerod!

New Contributor III

Me too. Cleared my pending 'Invitation Sent' and now my categories have returned.

New Contributor II

Seconding that clearing out my VPP invitations worked.

New Contributor II

Where do you clear VPP invitations?

New Contributor II

So... I have noticed that LDAP users that have been "assigned" an asset do not see the log out and categories on the right. If, on the other hand, I sign in with an LDAP account that is not tied to a machine, I can see everything. Still not sure why that is.