Blue "Featured" banner in Self Service

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I upgraded a test server to Casper 9.4 yesterday and noticed that all of my items on the Self Service landing page now have a blue "Featured" banner.

external image link

Since everything on the main landing page is Featured, in my opinon the banner is distracting and does not add value. If you agree, I've posted a Feature Request to be able to turn off the banner. Please vote it up:


Legendary Contributor III

Voted up. While I welcome such a feature, it definitely needs to be on a per item basis and not just everything in the Featured section. It just dilutes the usability that way. Its kind of like, if everything is special then nothing is.

It will also mean redoing many of our icons. We've been using a combined app icon + "new" starburst image for some of our items that would just look bizarre with the Featured banner laid over them.



Agree - just voted it up.

Thank you for making the time to make it a feature request.

Contributor II

Agreed too, Nice to Have, Best to have control over it !

Valued Contributor

Voted up.

Valued Contributor II

Yep. It's almost perfect. Just a little more finesse...

Valued Contributor

JAMF would most likely not approve but we just grabbed the .png file of the featured banner, and just made it one big alpha channel and replaced it in the tomcat folder. The local user's self service cache needs to be cleared out but then, walla, no more featured banner. You don't even need to restart Tomcat.


Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

Maybe you can throw a line of CSS in the main page coding to hide that banner? Pretty sure all of that stuff is just in the Tomcat folders somewhere.

Valued Contributor

possibly. but changing the image file out was easy enough that we are happy with it and don't have to worry about my lousy knowledge of CSS damaging anything :)

Valued Contributor

I just upgraded from 9.65 to 9.82, and noticed that the Featured Banner is missing. Damnit. I guess you all got your way. ;-)

We'd been teaching our users that anything with that gaudy in your face Featured Banner was a sure sign they needed to run it. We don't push out to our users unless it's an absolute critical item (some of them could be on 512Kbps satellite connections).

Only updates and required, but uninstalled, apps were listed as Featured on our server. If a user logged in and was totally up-to-date they'd go to the next category (Self Help in our case). And if they didn't see anything Featured they were fine.

Now they're not going to see the Featured Banner and ignore everything. Damnit. User training is a royal PITA.

On the flip side, I totally understand the argument - everything in the Featured category is Featured so the banner is annoying. And the banner is still there if the item is marked to show as featured in other categories.

I'm going to have to go through and make a lot of custom 'featured' icons until we can re-train users. :-, where did I put my electroshock collars...

Legendary Contributor III

@cwaldrip Its not actually gone. The behavior of how they appear just changed. You need to check the box labeled "Feature in" for any categories that you want the policy to be featured in in the JSS. So the banner will appear on the icon in the main "Featured" category, just not for everything there (by default)
See @jake's post on this Feature Request thread.
I was confused by this as well until he set me straight on the change. :)

Valued Contributor

@mm2270, yeah I saw the banner is still there, but only if the package is featured in other categories. Doesn't help, but I've done the 'proper' thing and just created a "Updates" category and moved the self service update items to that category. Just a matter of re-educating the end users...