Bounded device need to migrate without loosing user data

New Contributor

Dear Team,

 Our organization have 80+ bounded devices, those devices need to be migrated to jamf without losing user data.

if any have steps to perform, pls share the steps follow.


Esteemed Contributor


Figuring you mean domain bound devices, which should not have an impact here. Though I do strongly recommend getting away from domain binding Macs. 


The process for migrating devices to an MDM is controlled by Apple. There are more or less two options to enroll in MDM:

  • Automated Device Enrollment (apples preferred path)
    • Fairly hands off, and takes ~10 minutes for a user to perform.
    • Does require macOS to be reinstalled.
  • Device Enrollment
    • Requires a user to go to Jamfs enrollment portal and follow the prompts to download the MDM profile.
    • The user then needs to go in to downloads and click the MDM profile.
    • The user THEN needs to go to System Settings > Profiles and accept the MDM Profile and provide admin credentials.
    • Then you need to sort out details of escrowing the filevault recovery key and all the other events that happend prior to MDM enrollment.
  • User Enrollment
    • Not going to cover this one.

Note: If you are not using Automated Device Enrollment, the user can remove the MDM profile and effectively unmanage the device. You can attempt to mitigate this by using some terminal commands to change the enrollment state, and further clicking and credentials prompts in system settings. 


This is apples training documentation on the matter. Cheers and good luck.

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