Posted on 09-08-2014 08:10 PM
Is there a way to "focus" ipads on apps distributed through VPP Assignment in Casper Focus. Currently I only seem to be able to "focus" apps inf Casper Focus distributed through self-service.
Posted on 09-08-2014 08:40 PM
Casper focus will only focus apps, listed within self-service, the apps listed within self-service can also be apps disributed using vpp assignment, the catch is, if the user does not have the license for the app via vpp when its attempted to be installed via self-service it will just hang for the user, and potentially hang the rest of their action list.
Posted on 09-08-2014 08:41 PM
I found this a big complication with Apple apps, which I am about to submit as a fault.
Posted on 09-09-2014 04:13 PM
Thanks for the response Malcolm. So if I purchase the VPP assignment for the student then wait a few days for the process to go through at Apple's end then attach the app to the list in self service it should work in Focus?
Posted on 09-11-2014 01:41 PM
I'll try to write it a different way than @Malcom.
Think of it this way - you are not 'distributing' the app through VPP, just 'assigning' it. Once the invitation is accepted the user will still need to install it somehow. By default it is available as a Purchased app in the iTunes store.
For Casper Focus to be able to send a Single App mode profile for an app, it has to be configured in the Mobile Devices Apps screen. You could configure it to Install Automatically.. but they would probably get prompted before they 'own' it. So instead you configure it for Self Service. Not sure if Casper Focus can focus an app if it is also not in scope for that device..
Since I purchased my iPads after September 1 2013, they qualify for free Keynote, Pages, etc. The kicker is you have to request it from Apple VPP and prove your purchase.