Casper Imaging 7.21 on 10.5.8

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Anyone having issues with it?

I've spent most of my week recreating out neboot images as since we've upgraded to 7.21 The imaging process seems to stall on the initial OS block copy or custom os copy.

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Release Candidate Programs Tester

Nope from the same OS.

BUT it may well be a bandwidth issue..

I left the macs building & got home.. They seem to have built now..

Hmm.. Maybe I only build when there's an England game...

I'll push the netboot images to the other sites & get the local guys to

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Sorted it..

We'd created a 10.5.8 PPC Base DMG & 10.5.8 Intel Base DMG.. We set them to only install on the correct processor & if it was not the correct processor to install the other OS DMG...

It seemed to get stuck in a loop.. which after a few hours would resolves itself.

See attached...

If you just tick: "Install Only if" it works!!

Ben Toms
IT Support Analyst GREY Group
The Johnson Building, 77 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8JS
T: +44 (0) 20-3037-3819 Main: +44 (0) 20 3037 3000 | IT Helpdesk: +44 (0) 20 3037 3883

![external image link](attachments/6b705ab8f1874774a8450d71d29ee0fb)