Casper Imaging 8.6 eror

New Contributor

Good morning all. I have created a 10.7 netboot using Automater and all is working great for our latest round of MacBook Pro's. Casper Imaging comes up as it should and I can select the appropriate image. Where things are dying is when I have it set to erase the drive. If the check is in that box, I get a NilObjectException was not handled error and the process dies. The text scrolls by quickly but it gives a message of "preparing for block copy" then "cleaning up from block copy" and the NilObject erros comes up. I have tried setting the netboot as diskless as well as unchecking that box and get the same result. Any suggestions? Has anyone ran into this before?


Valued Contributor III

Yes, think it is a bug..

and I think there are a lot of more posts about this...

New Contributor

Also happens on older iMac's as well. Orginally thought it was machine specific to the new MBP's with the newest i7 cpu's.

Valued Contributor II

I ran into the same issue and for me it was a problem with the setting on the AFP service on the netboot server. If you follow the instructions in the last post located at [url]] your problem might be resolved as well. I was using Casper 8.52 and the netboot server was Mac OS 10.7.4.

New Contributor

I repaired permissions on the computer and it worked after that - there were a lot of java issues that it repaired.