Casper NetInstall Creator 3.2 - Machine name error

Not applicable

Hi all, I already posted this to the Resource Kit, but I figured I'd check
here too as this is somewhat urgent.

I just updated to version 7.31. I've used the CNIC 3.2 to create a
NetInstall image for us, and it is booting the machines properly and logging
in to Casper Imaging as it should.

Apparently the machines are pulling auto-run data enough to know which load
they should be getting, but the machine names are being set to generic
'Netboot###' names, no matter what I've got set in the autorun data.

In old versions of the CNIC, if there was no autorun data for the machine,
the machine name field would have been left blank, but now it is filled with
this generic name...

We're using a cross subnet bless and filling the autorun data on machines to
complete our 10.5-10.6 upgrade, so not being able to give the machines the
correct Machine ID via autorun will pose a serious problem...

Anyone else seeing this behavior?
