Posted on 02-13-2015 06:12 AM
New Macs shipping with Yosemite are corestorage enabled out of the box, and corestorage is enabled on FV2 enabled Macs.
Casper NetInstall Creator 5 (current) has an issue creating an NetBoot Image (NBI) that can "Erase the target drive":
Casper Imaging could not locate any drives for imaging.
I saw some threads on it, mostly pointing to @bentoms][/url][/url][/url' excellent AutoCasperNBI tool:
For business reasons we want/need to first try to get JAMF Software's tools to work, or help push for a fix.
Thought I'd post here to see if any JAMF Nation or JAMF Software folks might have an answer, before opening a ticket.
Posted on 02-13-2015 08:38 AM
Hit this with my current workflow as well. Fix in the below link works but really expect JAMF to be on the ball with getting their tools supporting these types of changes from Apple.
Posted on 02-13-2015 08:48 AM
@nixonc85][/url Thanks, I just found the other thread. JAMF might do well to hire @bentoms][/url. :)
Posted on 02-16-2015 02:42 PM
@donmontalvo, what are the exact steps you're taking to see this error?
Also, have you tried Casper Inaging 9.32?
Posted on 02-16-2015 02:46 PM
@bentoms Casper NetInstall Creator 5.0 > NBI > NeBoot a corestorage enabled Mac > error comes up as Casper Imaging launches in its runtime environment.
Doesn't look like 9.64 (released an hour ago; thanks JAMF for putting in hours on a holiday!) fixes the problem. :(
Posted on 02-16-2015 02:54 PM
Um....not for nothing, but....
Posted on 03-09-2015 01:16 PM
@bentoms I'm going to assume you meant 9.62, we just tried and no go.
Posted on 03-09-2015 01:17 PM
Nope I meant 9.32.
But it seems fixed in 9.65.
Posted on 03-09-2015 01:46 PM
I thought/hoped so too. Casper NetInstall Creator 5.0, Casper Imaging 9.65, iMac 5K Retina, getting these errors:
Posted on 03-09-2015 01:58 PM
Delete the Autorun, then try.
Posted on 03-31-2015 03:09 PM
Sorry for being a little off topic, but has anyone gotten the NetInstall LaunchPad to work in the latest build of Casper NetInstall Image Creator. I've created the netboot set, netbooted off it and when I quit Casper Imaging I just get a terminal window instead of the LaunchPad.
Posted on 04-06-2015 12:12 PM
Just a quick follow up to thank JAMF for 9.7, it resolved the FileVault 2 issue.
Casper Imaging can now deal with FV2 enabled drives (re-image) and core storage enabled (Macs shipping with Yosemite).
Man, I want some of that coffee! :D
Posted on 04-06-2015 12:16 PM
@jasonk wrote:
Sorry for being a little off topic, but has anyone gotten the NetInstall LaunchPad to work in the latest build of Casper NetInstall Image Creator. I've created the netboot set, netbooted off it and when I quit Casper Imaging I just get a terminal window instead of the LaunchPad.
We actually had a discussion about this last week. If we quit Casper Imaging while booted into the Casper NetInstall runtime environment, we're left in a wonky state. There doesn't seem to be a menu to get to Terminal, Safari, etc.
TBH not sure if it was there before since we only recently started using Casper NetInstall Creator when v5 was released. Hoping for v5.1 with a fix. We realize it isn't an official product, but its way more than a nice-to-have. :)