Posted on
12:12 PM
- last edited
Just updated to JSS 9.96 and like every other upgrade I grab the Casper Suite folder, and put it here: "/Applications/Utilities" then I capture it from that location with the composer within the install DMG.
When the files are pushed into composer the icon for Casper remote "disappears" and is replaced with the default xcode build icon.
All other apps appear like normal.
When I build a pkg based on this, the installed Casper Remote is also missing the icon.
My users are easily upset, this is upsetting them.
Quick fixes or reasoning for this?
Thank you in Advance.
Posted on 09-09-2016 12:44 PM
Permissions issue perhaps? You could try making sure to recursively fix permissions down the entire app bundle or the Casper Suite folder before copying it into your Composer source.
Posted on 09-09-2016 12:59 PM
I thought so at first as well. Double and triple checked. Applied Permissions from top Down within Composer already, but I'll try it from command line.
What I don't get is that the permissions are in check and every thing else within the folder appears to be correct.
I'm redoing the whole process with a whole new download on a another computer right now. If it doesn't reproduce I'll check what is different.
Very Strange
Posted on 09-13-2016 06:43 AM
I'm seeing the same thing, actually. I have no idea why it's doing that, and why it only seems to affect Composer.
Posted on 09-13-2016 07:13 AM
Odd. I'll pull down the 9.96 tools and give it a go to see if I see the same issue. Seems strange.
Posted on 09-13-2016 07:41 AM
I'm not seeing the issue here on my 10.10.5 Mac (yes, I'm still on Yosemite) I built a Composer source of the new Casper Suite 9.96 tools in both my 9.82 version of Composer as well as in the new 9.96 version and in both cases the Composer and Casper Remote icons (as well as all the others, save for Recon.exe which never has one) are showing up in the source.
I even built out a DMG package on one of them and mounted the resulting DMG and looked at the apps in it, and still good. So at first glance, this isn't happening for me.
Let me ask, are you both using 10.11.x when you build this Composer package? Wondering if my being on 10.10 has something to do with the difference. I have 10.11.6 machines nearby I can run some tests with to see.
Posted on 09-13-2016 08:20 AM
Adding the requisite 'me too':
Somewhat related. Excel 2016 has the same icon issue while other Office 2016 apps do not. And, My Self Service apps have it too but only on my macOS Sierra GM test box.
Posted on 09-19-2016 11:34 PM
I see this for Casper Admin and all other apps too. The only app that is not affected is Composer.
Posted on 09-20-2016 09:33 AM
I used Composer 9.96 to create a Casper Remote 9.96 pkg. I too see a generic icon for CR when installed with this package. When I get info on the application, the version number is "--". When the installed app is open, the About Casper Remote shows "Version: Development Build".
I used Composer 9.93 to create a Casper Remote 9.96 pkg. The icon is correct after the pkg is installed, but the other two issues still exist. When I get info on the application, the version number is "--". When the installed app is open, the About Casper Remote shows "Version: Development Build". I also got the same results when I created a pkg using
Posted on 09-20-2016 01:52 PM
JAMF believes it's related to this
PI-002979 - Casper Apps Info.plist permissions create inconsistent experience for different logged in users
If you have already distributed the package and installed Casper Remote, correct the permissions of the Info.plist, for example:
sudo chmod 644 /Applications/Casper Suite/Casper
I completed the command and that fixed the version information and the menus. The icon stayed generic until I logged out and logged in.
If you are going to create a new package with Composer 9.96, you can adjust the permissions on Info.plist to root:wheel and mode 644, then click the Build as PKG. That will result in a proper Casper installer.
Posted on 03-07-2017 12:18 AM
This same issue is also present in the latest 9.97.1488392992 update.
Fixing the permissions on the Info.plist file in each application solves the problem, as before.
Posted on 03-11-2017 06:38 PM
If the item you're packaging is using custom icons, might want to uncheck this box in Composer preferences.
Posted on 03-13-2017 09:28 AM
it's related the info here:
Posted on 03-13-2017 12:40 PM
Interesting, reall wish we can have access to Jamf's known issues database. :)
With that said, I wonder why the Casper Suite folder isn't provided to us in a proper flat/signed PKG. it would make deployment a lot easier.
We minimize these surprises by packaging the folder using Whitebox Packages, recursive setting to root:wheel
and 755
To solves those kinds of issues for us, and it pacifies our security team and Gatekeeper.