Posted on
08:56 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
Out of the blue some of our Macs in Jamf are reporting build version 19H15.
But I can't find any evidence of this version of macOS actually existing.
Posted on 11-03-2020 09:06 AM
Can you take a screenshot of this? What kind of models are you seeing this with? We don't see that in our environment. I know there was a special 19H4 installer build for some iMac model. But this is the first I'm seeing anything about 19H15.
Posted on 11-03-2020 09:10 AM
I've seen this on both MacBooks and some iMacs... tho not many.
Posted on 11-03-2020 02:01 PM
It does not show a 10.15.7 Build 19H15, but
does find a Build 19H4 that was released on 2020-10-27
Posted on 11-03-2020 05:19 PM
@MagicMick Apparently there's a 19H15 Supplemental Update currently being tested. Are the Macs you're seeing that build on enrolled in AppleSeed?
Posted on 11-04-2020 01:38 AM
@sdagley Nope. No AppleSeed.
Posted on 11-04-2020 09:22 AM
I track every build of macOS and can not find a single speck of evidence of this build! If you could provide more Information, it would be helpful.
Posted on 11-04-2020 10:24 AM
Will this do? I'm also trying to get a Screenshot of the About This Mac that shows the build number... So i'll report that here to...
Posted on 11-04-2020 10:27 AM
@ClassicII Also, someone in the slack mac admin #catalina channel confirms that his macbook also updated to this new build...
Posted on 11-04-2020 11:08 AM
@ClassicII Here you go!
Posted on 11-05-2020 11:33 AM
I just got the pop-up about 10.15.7 Supplmental Update.
macOS will have the following build number after you install this update: 19H15
Posted on 11-05-2020 11:50 AM
Yup we know for sure now!!!!
Posted on 11-05-2020 01:45 PM
Everyone please provide your Apple contacts with how much you appreciate the lack of a 19H15 full installer. They managed to release a full installer of Build 19H4 last week that was solely for the 2017 21.5" iMac. Since 19H15 is intended for all Catalina capable Macs a full installer for it would certainly be more useful/appropriate.
Posted on 11-06-2020 11:26 AM
We are starting to get it pushed out. I have a restriction policy to stop it but some devices get the policy and still have access to manually install the updates. Can figure it out.
Posted on 11-10-2020 01:36 PM
@sdagley Right on. JAMF engineering please let Apple know on our behalf as well - it would save lots of admin work for Apple to produce full images for Supplemental and later Security Update builds... at the very least if they aren't available for download they are what should be delivered via internet recovery. It's silly in 2020 with super fast SSDs and NICs that we're strangled in volume deployments by Apple's premature murder of imaging, and then have to suffer these cuts and wounds of installing a base OS and then updating it immediate afterwards. What are we supporting here, Windows 95? At least MS provided a way to slipstream updates for admins. I've tried those package installation switches ( startosinstall --installpackage ) and it produces unbootable systems for Security Updates. I know, this is not strictly a JAMF issue and imaging is dead but the amount of labor hours lost esp when you're deploying systems for developers and want to include things like xcode or heaven forbid MS Office which still unpacks itself to /tmp and then uses ditto to move its components into /Applications... It makes me long to manage modern Windows!
Posted on 11-12-2020 02:06 AM
Posted on 11-12-2020 05:31 AM
Apple released a full installer for 10.15.7 Build 19H14 yesterday. You can also use or erase-install (which itself uses, but adds a few options) to download it. I've found those to be somewhat more reliable than the softwareupdate --fetch-full-installer --full-installer-version 10.15.7
(if you're on a Mac already running Catalina)
Posted on 11-12-2020 09:47 AM
Apple just updated Catalina installer in App Store, comes by version 15.7.03