Change Management Pop Up Icon

New Contributor III

Hi there,

Up until recently we were able to input company branding on the Management Notification for policy pop ups. Based on the process discussed here we would just change the icon for the application, then push it to all machines. However it seems that the application is reset after reboot and the company branding no longer remains consistently.

Has anyone found a more up to date process for changing these icons?



New Contributor III

I would think it should take the icon from your Self Service custom icon. We have not changed ours so cannot test. This may be a feature request for jamf to update the Management to use the custom branding icons (or the policy icon, depending on your usage) and/or fall back to the self service icon.

New Contributor II

This works when my application is on normal browser. But when i am opening my whole application as a pop up then it is not coming as per the screen shot. Please share your comment on this. MyMileStone Card

Valued Contributor II

we deployed a custom icon via pkg to:

 /Library/Application\ Support/JAMF/bin/Management\\ Service.icns

but the result was not consistent.. worked on some, still default Self Service icon on others, even though we have a custom icon set for Self Service.. 

This bug is very old.. maybe one day...