Changing JAMF Cloud Hostname

New Contributor

Can anyone help me, how we can change the JAMF cloud host name I.e, url for login JAMF console.

For Example, I am having an URL and i am wanted to change it to



Contributor II

I believe your account rep or jamf buddy can help you with this, as it is something that they manage.

Valued Contributor II

Be aware this will break all your MDM enrollments. They are tied to the same URL. Unless you are willing to go through the process of re-enrolling every devices, I would be very careful about this change.

New Contributor

Thanks for the info.. As we are in the testing phase, JAMF is not enrolled into production environment.

Please help in providing the inputs of below queries
1. What all the changes should be made when we change the cloud host name (JAMF URL) ?
2. What will be the impact on the current setup ?

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

When you change the name of the URL that you're devices are supposed to trust, they need to re-learn how to trust that server since it will then be unrecognized. In a nutshell, anything you've enrolled will need to be re-enrolled. If you're in a testing phase the impact should hopefully be minimal, but if you're making this change while managing active devices you basically have to treat it like migrating MDMs.

Making this decision early on in your evaluation/testing phase will help prevent pain later. Though that being said, pick something you're happy with that won't need to change.

If you go with a dedicated hosted (jamfcloud) solution with premium support/services you can actually use a custom domain name of your choosing, like something that matches your organization's domain name(s). Depending on the size/scope of your deployment that may or may not be worth the extra investment.

Contributor III

change of domain name will break the device enrolment and you will have to re-enrol them all

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Just to iterate what everyone else had commented on.

It'll break your existing devices, you'll have to plan a migration to a different MDM instance either by remote wipe and DEP or remove the old MDM profile and user initiated enrolment to the new MDM

New Contributor

If we change domains should we expect to need to change all of the certificates as well? Including: 

- SSO cert/xml 

- ABM pre stage enrollment cert 

- APNS cert? 
