Chrome iOS Content Filter - is it possible on Jamf Pro?

New Contributor

Does anyone know whether content filtering is a thing on the Chrome app like Safari on Jamf Pro? For our iPads, we only allow access to specific websites and as we're having issues with Safari at the moment not clearing the data and thus taking up all the storage space (already reported - known issue with Apple apparently), we need to see if it would be possible to content filter the same way on Chrome that we do on Safari. I've looked everywhere and I cannot seem to find anything.




Esteemed Contributor

For the capabilities of Chrome, you would probably need to check with Google. If they build a key pair to manage what sites are accessible, then JAMF can do it with a configuration profile. If Google does not have a key pair to manage what sites are accessible, than that is a limitation of Chrome not JAMF. As far as Safari, managing it is usually a nightmare. 


JAMFs web filter tool is called JAMF Safe Internet, and is a separate product from JAMF Pro.

Jamf Safe Internet for Apple and Chromebook

Jamf Safe Internet Integration with Jamf School - Jamf School Documentation | Jamf