Posted on 01-04-2017 12:57 PM
We are doing some cleanup with our Distribution Lists which are stored in AD. We use Exchange for our mail. I am wondering how to clear the directory cache if there is any so that any old cached distribution lists will no longer show up.
Does anyone know if there is a cache like this and if so where those cache file would be?
I have a majority of users on Outlook 2016 and some still on Outlook 2011.
Posted on 01-05-2017 04:16 PM
Try this solution on the exchange server itself if you want to hide addresses of disabled users from GAL.
Try this if you are talking about just the Auto Complete.
Clearing out the entire auto-complete list.
Important: You are deleting your data. Once it has been deleted, you will not be able to recover it.
Make sure Outlook 2011 is closed.
Open up "Finder" and navigate to /Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities/Main Identity/Data Records/Recent Addresses/0T/0B/0M/0K/.
*Note: Each "/" in the path above represents a break between screens.
In this folder, there will be a file named, or similarly named to, x19_4.olk14Recent, delete this item.
Open Outlook. You will receive an error indicating a problem with the Office database. Click Rebuild.
After the rebuild is complete, hit the Done button and close the "Microsoft Database Utility" window.
Posted on 01-16-2017 10:58 AM
Thanks for the reply @Eigger. The auto complete did the trick. This page also helped immensely. I just used a quick script to target the Office Identity folder and ran a recursive find along with a deletion of the database file. Restart outlook and its gone.
This is an example for the Office 2016 Outlook.
cd ~/Library/Group Containers/
find . -name "*.olk15RecentAddresses" -type f|xargs rm -f
Posted on 08-22-2017 12:07 PM
@danshaw Hey man.. using that script yields no results for me. It doesn't delete any file. Do you have an updated script you use aside from what you posted above?
Posted on 08-22-2017 12:14 PM
@ooshnoo I just re-ran the script and it still works fine for me. Open up terminal and type in each line to test. I didn't want to delete mine so I typed in the line below and it returned the location of that recent addresses file. The "rm -f" just deletes it.
find . -name "*.olk15RecentAddresses" -type f|xargs
./UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/Main Profile/Data/Recent Addresses/253/FDFB163B-4AD8-4993-8E35-0C2D781C238C.olk15RecentAddresses