10-30-2021 07:41 PM - edited 10-19-2022 01:30 PM
I've seen a few tricks for getting what calls the Marketing Model name of a Mac in Terminal. One uses the last 4 characters of the serial number in a curl command, e.g., documented here...
This seems to work (it requires the -l flag on curl) but it may stop working because of changes to serial numbers. However, there is no need to use curl to get this information (even if that is how it's done in the background...)
Clicking "About This Mac" in the menu launches the "About This Mac.app" located in /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/ so it can be launched from a script with the open command.
The "About This Mac.app" executes the "System Information" process. You must close "About This Mac" with a different command than the one you use to open it...
The Mac Marketing Model string includes the year a Mac was released. Because the "Model" computer attribute available in Jamf Pro collects the entire string it is almost useless for creating Smart Groups based on year (unless you really like clicking in the Jamf Pro GUI & making really dumb Smart Groups which include every Model name you manage.)
Finally the reason for this post. A Jamf Pro extension attribute script which:
So, you can deploy this to collect model year as a Smart Group value, i.e., no Dumb Groups™. 🙃
Some of the additional tests are due to Silicon not necessarily reporting the correct architecture via uname if Rosetta is installed. None of this is rocket science... Feel free to share why having the year seems unnecessary to you, what else you may be using to do this already or just let me know how bad & silly you think it is. If it's useful to you, enjoy!
# variables
crntusr="$(/usr/bin/stat -f %Su /dev/console)"
srlnmbr="$(/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | /usr/bin/awk '/Serial/{print substr($NF,9)}')"
# if cpu is Apple Silicon collect Marketing Model string from ioreg
# if com.apple.SystemProfiler.plist does not exist create it
# if cpu is Intel collect Marketing Model string from com.apple.SystemProfiler.plist
if [ "$(/usr/sbin/sysctl -in hw.optional.arm64)" = 1 ] && /usr/sbin/sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string | /usr/bin/grep -q 'Apple' && /usr/bin/uname -v | /usr/bin/grep -q 'ARM64'
mrktmdl="$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'print 0:product-name' /dev/stdin <<< "$(/usr/sbin/ioreg -ar -k product-name)")"
if ! [ -e "$plistsp" ]
/usr/bin/sudo -u "$crntusr" /usr/bin/open '/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/About This Mac.app'; /bin/sleep 1
/usr/bin/pkill -ail 'System Information'; /bin/sleep 1
/usr/bin/killall cfprefsd; /bin/sleep 1
mrktmdl="$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print 'CPU Names':$srlnmbr-en-US_US" "$plistsp" 2> /dev/null)"
# if that didn't work collect the Model Identifier, exit
if [ -z "$mrktmdl" ]
echo "<result>$(/usr/sbin/sysctl -n hw.model)</result>"; exit
# parse the Marketing Model string for the year
mdlyear="$(echo "$mrktmdl" | /usr/bin/sed 's/)//;s/(//;s/,//' | /usr/bin/grep -E -o '2[0-9]{3}')"
# compare year collected to year set as "too old"
if [ "$mdlyear" -lt "$(($(/bin/date +%Y)-7))" ]
echo "<result>${result:-no}</result>"
10-30-2021 09:04 PM - edited 10-30-2021 09:07 PM
12-22-2021 09:14 AM - edited 12-22-2021 09:32 AM
Thank you for writing this. I did have some trouble with a few older machines that have different language and country codes so I had to modify a couple things. To retrieve the Serial string to fill the value for modl, I had to add a new variable srlstr so that I could get the correct version of :
Some older machines only have "-en_US" and in other languages or country codes this doesnt work at all.
minor modifications here:
# get model name, exit if null
if [ "$(/usr/bin/uname -m)" = 'arm64' ]
modl=($(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'print 0:product-name' /dev/stdin <<< "$(/usr/sbin/ioreg -ar -k product-name)"))
srlstr=`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -x -c "print 'CPU Names'" "/Users/$usnm/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SystemProfiler.plist" | /usr/bin/awk '/<key>/{print $1}' | /usr/bin/sed "s/<key>//g;s/<\/key>//g"`
modl=($(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print 'CPU Names':$srlstr" "/Users/$usnm/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SystemProfiler.plist"))
if [ -z "${modl[*]}" ] || echo "${modl[*]}" | /usr/bin/grep "File Doesn't Exist"
echo "$(/usr/sbin/sysctl -n hw.model)"
this also seemed to eliminate the need to retrieve the serial number at all and add cycles to the process in the beginning.
Posted on 12-22-2021 06:27 PM
I have just revised this a bit as the logic at the beginning wasn't quite right. It now only collects serial number if it has to & only creates plist if it has to. I also didn't account for locales other than US so I am glad you were able to modify it. Thanks!
Posted on 12-27-2022 10:54 AM
Hi All i tried this script its not working at all M1 and intel both are having error any latest version script any one having it supported for all the mac devices
12-27-2022 03:05 PM - edited 12-28-2022 09:24 AM
@mani2care I’m using this script on all my Jamf instances so I’m not sure what the trouble is that you’re having. Let me know & I would be glad to help!
Posted on 12-28-2022 08:04 PM
If you do not can I have the latest one ? Some of place I’m getting No only
12-29-2022 02:36 PM - edited 01-02-2023 10:51 AM
So, the script is very sensitive to conditions.
1) ioreg only has marketing model data for Macs with Apple Silicon.
2) the system_profiler “trick” to populate the system prefs plist is not 100% reliable because the network state of the computer might prevent the About This Mac app from opening / closing at the right time.
3) On much older macOS versions (unfortunately, when you need this script to work the most) it hasn’t been extensively tested.
4) The script is DESIGNED to output “no” if the mdlyear variable is blank. You can handle that differently but it’s an extension attribute, so, that value is basically telling you that the attribute you tried to collect was not collected more than it is an “error”. That’s still valuable info because then you can find out which computers aren’t allowing you to collect the year & determine why not.
5) One last thing to point out if it's not clear in the original post:
# compare year collected to year set as "too old"
if [ "$mdlyear" -lt "$(($(/bin/date +%Y)-7))" ]
The number "7" there is completely arbitrary. You can change that to literally ANYTHING. How old the computers you deploy in your org are is entirely up to you. 7 years is just an example of Apple's "vintage" designation + 1 year. Maybe try setting that to something smaller or bigger for your computers?
Hope this helps a bit?
Posted on 11-05-2023 07:15 AM
Hello? I am an M1 Mac Mini user living in South Korea. Thank you for your kindness and knowledge and effort. Can I ask you a question? Recently, after updating my Macos to Ventura, I noticed that in the "about this Mac" tab, the submodel names like "M1, 2020" in faint gray under the Mac product name had disappeared. Apparently, it was only in March of this year that I discovered that vague submodel name. But it's not coming out now. So I updated to Sonoma, and it was the same there too. I did a clean install of monterey, bigsur, and ventura, but none of them show the submodel name. My Mac is an M1, 2020 model, and is not a cto model. There were no hardware changes of any kind. After contacting Apple, they recommended safe mode, OS reinstallation, and nvram deletion, but all failed. What should I do? Your expert opinion is desperately needed. I would really appreciate your reply. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to your reply.
Posted on 11-05-2023 08:40 AM
Run the system report to see the full model name.
Posted on 11-05-2023 06:29 PM
The full model name appears in the system report. However, the model name still does not appear in small gray letters in the “about this mac” tab. I'm curious why it doesn't pop up all of a sudden. I heard that Apple's server checks the model and displays it on the screen, but if it doesn't appear on the screen, isn't there something wrong with it?
Posted on 11-06-2023 04:16 AM
Posted on 11-05-2023 06:33 PM
This pale grey letters disappeared.
This screenshot was taken in March of this year. This is before the Sonoma update. Now those light gray "M1, 2020" letters are gone.
Posted on 07-03-2024 07:04 AM
i've had success using this below:
# Client-side Script Logging Function
function updateScriptLog() {
echo -e "$( date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S ) - ${1}" | tee -a "${scriptLog}"
function GetAppleMarketingName() {
# clearing variables
# logged in user
LOGGEDINUSER=$(stat -f '%Su' /dev/console)
# logged in user home directory
HOME_DIR=$(dscl /Local/Default read /Users/"$LOGGEDINUSER" NFSHomeDirectory | sed 's/NFSHomeDirectory://' | xargs)
# get model name if Apple Silicon
if [ "$(/usr/bin/uname -m)" = 'arm64' ]; then
MARKETING_MODEL=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'print 0:product-name' /dev/stdin <<< "$(/usr/sbin/ioreg -ar -k product-name)")
# if the machine is not Apple Silicon, we need to quicly open the System Information app as the logged in user and extract the information
elif [ "$(/usr/bin/uname -m)" != 'arm64' ]; then
if ! [ -e "$HOME_DIR"/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SystemProfiler.plist ]; then
su "$LOGGEDINUSER" -l -c 'killall cfprefsd'
sleep 2
su "$LOGGEDINUSER" -l -c '/usr/bin/open "/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/About This Mac.app"'
sleep 2
/usr/bin/pkill -ail 'System Information'
sleep 1
MARKETING_MODEL=$(defaults read "$HOME_DIR"/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SystemProfiler.plist "CPU Names" | awk -F= '{print $2}' | sed 's|[",;]||g' | sed 's/^[\t ]*//g' | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d')
if [ "$MARKETING_MODEL" != "" ]; then
updateScriptLog "$MARKETING_MODEL"