Compiled 10.8.3 Image not running at reboot 1st run scripts

Valued Contributor III

Hey all,
Im seeing an issue where after compiling a fully working image, the at reboot scripts that happen on 1st run didnt work. The machine didn't even enroll. However the 1st run script has been removed from the JAMF folder as if it did run. So I'm unsure how to find out what is and is not running since there is really no log from this. I'm still trying different things, thinking maybe it was when I selected a 2nd package to install at boot time in addition to the CS6 install that I finally got working properly.

Any ideas?

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor

I too have seen this Gabe. At first, I thought it was me or the NetBoot image I created. After reading your description, I see I am having the same behavior. If I use a core Mac OS image that is older, it appears to work. Thoughts anyone?

Valued Contributor III

I actually turned off another pkg that i had set to install at boot time (which had reboot required checked as well) and set it not to require a reboot and this seemed to fix the issue. But now im noticing my management user is not being hidden either. I guess I'll start a new post about this issue.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

New Contributor II

I am also seeing the problem of computers not enrolling and not executing first run scripts.

Valued Contributor II

I just tested a compiled 10.8.3 image and all worked ok for me. 8.64.

Regarding installing packages at reboot - I've found using custom triggers to install software via policy in post image script very reliable

Just add a line like
jamf policy -trigger postimagesoftware

and that policy has the post image software for that config. It works well for us because I manage a ton of configs and sometimes need to change that post image software mid year - and can do so easily through web interface.

New Contributor

I found this issue is also occurring when I image more then 1 machine at a time.

can you clarify a little more on what you did to resolve this issue?

Binding and enrollment are not running after I image, I am left with the computer automatically logging in as adobe temporary account