Composer package create breaks AD Bind

New Contributor

Hi--This is my first time posting here. I use Equitrac Express to manage print quotas for my Mac labs.
I've just created a package with Composer to add the Equitrac packages and add and configure printers. My lab computers are bound to AD and installing my package breaks the binding. I can unbind and rebind and it's all fine. I've been looking through the package source and cannot see anything that would have caused this. I'm looking for ideas. Thanks, Lawrence


Honored Contributor II

What does it do to the AD connection? Does it remove the connection locally, or just break it?

Have you tried the Equitrac installers without running them through composer?

If possible, post a screenshot of the composer file list.

New Contributor

Thanks for the suggestions/replies. I figured this out. I had the /Library/Keychains/System.keychain in my package source. Deleting it corrected the problem. I was still bound to AD but unable to establish trust between the workstation and the domain.