Computers losing User & Location information

New Contributor

I've noticed that periodically some devices in our Jamf Pro cloud instance lose their User & Location information.

We're then having to go through and manually update this by pasting their local user account name into the User & Location search, which validates them against Entra ID and updates it correctly.


I've not been able to determine why this information is being wiped out for some, not all, devices.

1) How can we stop this information being removed?

2) We have Cloud Identity provider configured with Entra, and Jamf Pro can look up the data when we manually specify it. User attribute mapping is setup. 

How can I automate this process? In the majority of cases, our users local account name is in their Entra ID account name format. I can pull the logged in user via a script, but passing this via jamf recon -endUsername <value> just populates the username, it does not do the entra ID mapping.


Many thanks for any suggestions!