Config Profiles + Zscaler + Proxy + Locations?

Valued Contributor II

Up till now, we've been utilizing a script to do our proxy configs depending which office location, creating a new network 'location' for the Office and adding all the required info.  

Now we're deploying Zscaler (ZCC), which overwrites the proxy in place, but while on the corp network/vpn Zscaler disables itself but doesn't restore the proxy.   For Windows we have a GPO to put the proxy back, but nothing on the Macs and now between zscaler and soft set proxy settings (scripted but user changeable) we're getting reports of issues with users not able to access sites.

I guess my question is, can we use a configprofile to create a location and hard set the proxy?  Would zscaler be able to do it's thing with a mobile config?