Configuration Profile macOS NOT Re-connecting

New Contributor III

I have a configuration profile for macOS that connects devices to a hidden network. If a device forgets that network, the only way to get the device to find the network again is to exclude that device from the CP and then remove the exclusion.

How can I get Configuration Profiles to "check" for if the profile is running even though it is installed? I checked the System Preferences --> Profiles and the configuration profile is there, just not working.

The bigger problem I am having is the following:

Network A - Configuration Profile in Jamf. This is a hidden network set to automatically connect. This network exists at all locations.

Network B - Configuration Profile in Jamf. This is a hidden network set to NOT automatically connect. This network does not exist at all locations.

If we go to a location where ONLY Network A exists, Macs at that location suddenly cannot see and connect to Network A. (I believe this is tied to CP not working to "check" if the profile is running)