Configuring ALB in AWS for Jamf Pro Servers

New Contributor II

Hey everyone!

After JNUC we decided to transition everything over to AWS (thanks for the great sessions!); but we are not exactly experts in AWS.

In any case, currently I believe that I've configured some ports incorrectly.

We are able to access the login window (I want to run through testing before I make these units headless) for Jamf Pro; but if I attempt to login I get a 502 error (Bad Gateway). I've tried looking through logs but I don't quite know how to parse them.

We want to terminate SSL at the ALB; but anytime I set the target group to a non-SSL port we get a 502 error from the get-go.

Could anybody please shed some light on which ports to listen on / forward to? Any help is wildly appreciated.



New Contributor II

Welp. Feel free to close. Pay attention to subnets, everyone.