Posted on 09-01-2009 01:08 PM
Can anyone help?
I have tested the entourageSetup script from the resource kit, and it works
great for me with one exception. The majority of our users have local
accounts, so when the verify command comes up it populates their email name
with the 'current user'. That name may not conform to the naming convention
used for exchange, which is not based on local accounts. If the User
corrects their email address at the verify window, I will correctly fill in
the 'E-mail address' field in Entourage, but The 'Account ID' remains the
same as the 'current user' that the script first calls for.
Is there anyway to change the 'Account ID' to match the 'Name' part of the
email address? They both need to match in order for the account
configuration to work.
-- Sincerely,
Sean J. Gallagher
Platform Engineering
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Wanamaker Bldg. 100 Penn Square
Philadelphia, PA. 19102
Phone: 267-426-2607
Cell: 215-910-1551
Posted on 09-01-2009 01:57 PM
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 16:08:29 -0400
Add this section below the 'Verify Email Address' section in the script.
This gives each user the opportunity to enter his Exchange account name. I
haven't tested this, but it should be what you need.
-- Verify account name
tell application "System Events" to display dialog "Please verify that
your Exchange account name is correct." default answer shortName
set the_result to the result
set shortName to text returned of the_result
end try
FYI, I have a much more advanced version of this script here
<> in case you're
Hope this helps!
William M. Smith, Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications, LLC
(651) 632-1492