confused about setting scope for VPP purchases distributed via Self Service

New Contributor III

Our Casper instance is hooked in to our VPP account and I've purchased a copy of Final Cut Pro that I intend to make available to a user via SS but I'm baffled by the scope settings.

First the VPP Assignment I create for the purchased app - that has its own scope settings.

But then you go in to the "Add to App Catalog" for the app in order to add it to Self Service and THAT has its own scope, as well!

Can someone please explain to me how the two interact/what's the smart way to configure it in my sitatuation (where I'm looking to make it available to one user)?


Release Candidate Programs Tester

@ChrisJScott-work can you post some screenshots of where your talking about?

Valued Contributor III

@ChrisJScott-work The VPP Assignment scopes the license to the user. The App Catalog is scoping what apps appear in Self Service for the Device.

For Mobile Devices I've switched to using device-assigned licenses, so it can all be done to the app definition in the Catalog - the VPP tab.