Creating a 10.7 AutoCasperNBI

Contributor II

Has anyone ever successfully created a 10.7 NBI with AutoCasperNBI?

I was unable to generate a vanilla DMG of 10.7 with AutoDMG so I had to resort to InstaDMG which was successful. However when using this DMG in conjunction with AutoCasperNBI, it just hangs.


Release Candidate Programs Tester

@dlee_pausd Are you trying on a 10.7 mac?

Can you try on a 10.8 or newer Mac to create the 10.7 NBI from the DMG you created?

Contributor II

@bentoms I've tried creating the NBI from a 10.10.3 Mac.

I was thinking maybe it was unable to create the NBI because the DMG wasn't created from AutoDMG? I am able to restore the 10.7 DMG to a device without issue.

Contributor II

@bentoms So out of curiosity I tried AutoCasperNBI on my 10.10.4 MBP and it appears to have succeeded in creating a 10.7 NBI. I did patch up the 10.7 DMG last week but I don't know if that made the difference.

I'll have to find out if it actually works next week but thanks for your suggestion.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@dlee_pausd glad it's working! Odd that 10.10.3 failed but 10.10.4 worked.

Please report back on if the created NBI actually worked or not.

Contributor II

@bentoms The 10.7 AutoCasperNBI booted up in BSDpy but ran out of memory and froze up in Casper Imaging once it got to the iLife apps.

I'm now trying to create a 10.6 AutoCasperNBI but is that really supported? It seems to cease NBI creation when it tries to disable Software Update.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@dlee_pausd not tried 10.6 tbh.

What's your Casper shares? JDS?

Contributor II

@bentoms We're using AFP shares.

I actually lowered the ramdisk on 10.7 size to 512mb and that helped the older MacBooks from running out of disk space. Though they may freeze occasionally on imaging, re-imaging them seems to solve that issue. I am going to use this NBI as my go-to for deprecated MacBooks.

Thanks so much for AutoCasperNBI. It's been a real lifesaver!

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@dlee_pausd thanks for the updates.

The latest version (1.2.1), creates a 1GB RAM Disk, I might see if there is a way to get the booting Mac's RAM & create a RAM disk of a certain percentage.

The reason for 1GB is that VM's default to 2GB so, with a 2GB RAM disk they would fail.

Thanks again & please mark your last post an the answer.