Posted on
06:50 AM
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I am trying to create a VM of Mojave. I have the installer file from the App Store but it seems to be way more difficult than I think it should be. I've used VM's for windows machines but I've never done it for macOS on a Mac. All of the "tutorials" I've seen have been for putting macOS VMs on Windows machines which doesn't help me.
Based on what I've seen on Jamf, I feel like I am making this a little more difficult than it should be.
What are some better methods of Virtualizing macOS on a Mac?
(Also, I am using VirtualBox)
Posted on 11-13-2018 06:54 AM
@Dghammett Personally I use VMware Fusion Pro for virtualizing macOS, but VirtualBox will also work. One issue you may be running into is that creating a VM using the Install might not work when the installer app is located in the Applications folder. Try copying it into your user directory and then using it as the source for a VM (I haven't used VirtualBox in several years so I can't describe the exact process)
Posted on 11-13-2018 06:55 AM
We use Parallels, instead of Virtual Box, and it allows you to create a vm from the recovery partition. Just wondered if Virtual Box had a similar feature ?
Posted on 11-13-2018 07:29 AM
@sdagley Unfortunately, VirtualBox requires a DMG file or something similar to boot the VM. Is there any way to put the installer package in to a bootable DMG? also, if there are any other methods of doing this I am open to suggestions.
Posted on 11-13-2018 07:30 AM
@JustCallMeAJ if there is a feature for that on VirtualBox, I haven't seen it. Unfortunately, Parallels is a word we don't really use a lot in our IT department because of how many issues we had with it so we're trying to stay clear of that.
Posted on 11-13-2018 07:33 AM
@Dghammett This might be useful:
You might also consider getting VMware Fusion Pro. I know they offer a pretty good educational discount and it's a much more polished tool than VirtualBox.
Posted on 11-13-2018 08:03 AM
This is the method I use for VM's, specifically being able to use DEP as well:
There should be a JNUC session video posted about it but it may not be posted yet.
Posted on 11-13-2018 08:05 AM
I use esxi/vcenter running on the only officially supported mac hw (the garbage can mac pro). Works pretty well.
You need to change some hw options - set the serial number to a 12 digit number, hw.model to what the underlying hardware is, and boot firmware should be EFI. You'll also need to install vmware tools for optimal performance.
Please chime in with anything I may have missed.
Posted on 11-13-2018 08:14 AM
This is what I did for VMWare Fusion. VMWare Fusion was worth the purchase for me to be able to virtualize mac on mac easier.
If I remember correctly I found a .vmdk or similar file compatible with VirtualBox within the contents of my vfuse output, it still might be worth it for you.
Posted on 05-29-2019 08:22 PM
@seann wrote:
You'll also need to install vmware tools for optimal performance.
Curious how you're doing that...
Re: VMware Tools: Failed - The operation is not allowed in the current state.
[EDIT: Fixed...had to download the darwin.* files from VMware and install on can trigger install/reinstall of VMware Tools on ESXi hosted virtual machines through VMware Fusion 11 Pro.]
Posted on 07-18-2019 12:02 PM
@donmontalvo im still running vcenter v6.0, so i guess i havent seen that problem, good to know the fix though
Posted on 10-14-2019 06:08 PM
This resource was great to get a Mojave instance up in VirtualBox. Even though it says it is for windows, it will work for mac.