Creating an image for Early 2011 MBP

New Contributor


Thanks to everyone that helped me out with the Early 2011 MBP Netboot issue!
I have run into another wall and not sure what to do. I am trying to create
an image for our new MBP's using Casper Admin. When I try to apply the
10.6.7 update for the Early 2011 MBP it tells me that the update is not
compatible with the OS. I made a .dmg of the 10.6.6 dvd that came with the
MBP. When I try to setup the dvd .dmg as an OS in Casper Admin, I get the
wonderfully descriptive error message "The Installer could not be run on
this computer: Installer Error -" Any suggestions?


Jeff Young Sweet Briar College


Honored Contributor

The 10.6.7 update is not unified. There are a few ways around this. Block copy your 10.6.6 image to your MBP, then use the factory disks it came with to do an overlay. Or use instaDMG and add the 10.6.7 update specific for MBP in the 10.6 catalog file and compile your image that way.

Not applicable

Casper Admin can't analyze any disk that can't be installed on the computer it's running on. You will need to bring it over to an Early 2011 MBP to do the analyzing.

New Contributor III

The standard 10.6.7 apple combo updater from my experience will not run on the new Early 2011 MBP, you will have to download the Early 2011 MBP 10.6.7 update from apple.
Hasaan Herrington
Technical Support II
Information Technology
Anchorage School District
1602 Hillcrest Drive, Anchorage, Alaska, 99517.
Help Desk: (907) 742-4615

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I've only started using InstaDMG. But I'd use it in this instance to create a base os on a mac that can't run the os itself.

