Posted on 11-15-2023 01:24 PM
I'm a Tech Director in a K12 school and one of our teachers purchased a Cricut machine. The trouble is that the software requires frequent updates and without the updates you can't use the software. I found Patch Management for Cricut in Jamf Pro but I need to automate the process or at least to figure out a Self-Service way to allow users to run the updates? Helppppp!!!! :-)
Posted on 11-15-2023 03:28 PM
Hi psherotov, what you can do is after creating the patch management for Cricut. Then create a smart group with the "Patch Reporting: Cricut" as the criteria. Set the operator to "Is not". Set the value to "Latest Version". use the Installomator script from github . Copy/paste the script into Jamf. Create the policy, add the installomator script, pass the cricut as an argument. Then target that smart group. Hopefully, you understand my instructions and good luck.
Posted on 11-16-2023 05:39 AM
@junjishimazaki Hello and thank you! I have a few questions. I created the Smart Group with the fields you specified. I also downloaded the Installomator pkg and installed it on my computer AND copied the script. The trouble is I have no idea what variables need to be filled out and where to enter cricut as the argument. I did find that Installomator does have Cricut Design Space in it's Labels txt file though. If you could walk me through the configure process for the script I would be incredibly grateful!!! :-)
Posted on 11-16-2023 06:49 AM
Hi psherotov, when you add the installomator script to your policy you add cricutdesignspace as an argument
a week ago - last edited a week ago
Ok got this working today! thanks for the hints junjishimazaki . The one place to get stuck is that you cannot assign a policy to a smart group with that particular filter, so you have to nest the groups a bit. But it did work, and the user got upgraded to latest version with zero admin involvement! it will also check daily and always keep it up to date.
Now that i have this framework, there are hundreds of software products that are covered by this script. I am so excited and this is WAY better than intune... I love what i can do with jamf! Detailed instructions follow.
1.) go download the installomator script, from
2.) go to jamf scripts section and start configuring a new script. Name installomator, script contents are a shell script and paste in the .sh file text.
3.) The script requires a single argument and designed to use argument 4 from Jamf when present. On the options tab, label the parameter 4 "Application Name (from labels.txt)". Save the script.
4.) Go to jamf. Go to Computers -> Content Management -> Patch management. Search for "Cricut" and find Cricut Design Space. Set a category to public or whatever. I turned off email reporting too. Save the patch management item.
5.) Create a smart group with the "Patch Reporting: Cricut" as the criteria. Go to Computers -> groups -> Smart computer groups and make a new group. Call it "Patch Reporting: Cricut". Go to the Criteria page and enable "advanced criteria" from the button there. Find the "patch reporting software title" item. Click choose twice. Then set the creteria to "IS NOT" and use the three dots menu to select "Latest Version". Save the group.
6.) As we seemingly cannot target a policy based on a scamrt group that is using the "latest version" criteria, we have to be a bit creative. Create a second smart group. Call it "Cricut out of date". In the criteria section, add the criteria "Computer group", Operator to "member of" and Value set to "Patch Reporting: Cricut" (or whatever you called the first group). Save it.
7.) Create a new policy to deploy this patch system. Computers -> Policies -> New. Call it "Cricut Updater" or whatever you want. Add a category. Select "recurring checkin" as the trigger. Set it to check daily or weekly, depending on what you want. I picked "once every day". Click on script, and add the script you created in step 3. Under application name variable for the script, put in "cricutdesignspace" (no quotes). Proceed to scope tab and scope it to the second smart group "Cricut out of date". Click done and then save. You can put in a start message as well if you want, to tell the user what is going on.
8.) Verify with the users that the update has occured. You can also use the reporting tab on the policy. for me it installed to a powered on machine within 30 minutes.