Culture Matters: Casper Suite for People Who Fear Going Corporate

New Contributor

An enormous thank you to everyone who attended. We had so many insightful questions and ideas. It is exciting to see so many of us asking deep questions about the status quo in IT, and searching for better ways of participating in the organizations we support. Despite the fact that a growing number of organizations are finding incredible success with a people-centric approach, this is poorly-charted territory for all of us. The excitement, passion and curiosity I see is contagious.

It's been an incredible JNUC. I would be happy to put my notes together on this presentation and share them here. Let me know if that would be interesting.


Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

Can we work together to make a Modern IT Vocabulary to break down the Old IT "user"-as-distancing-technique thing that I'm tired of and want to move away from as much as possible?

Your approach resonated greatly with me; we went through pretty much the same thing at my workplace. I ended up using Self Service as the carrot to get people to self-enroll and not have to touch every Mac and that worked swimmingly (although it took about a month, versus two weeks).

Valued Contributor

I missed this one on Tuesday, would love to see your notes.