Customize Self Service Notifications

Contributor III

Is it possible to set the notifications delay to a longer time? Instead of hanging for 5 seconds, could it be changed to 20 seconds? I think it comes in and out too fast and users miss it and I would like to make it stay up longer. What would even be better is if I could make it so they have to acknowledge the notification, almost like when your Mac battery is about to die and it stays up until you click "Close".

Thanks in advance


Legendary Contributor III

Do some searches on the topic here on JN. There is already a thread I believe that discusses some possible ways of modifying the messages so they become more persistent, but I don't know how effective the scripts or approaches are since I have not tried any of them.

You may also want to look into a custom tool that can be called in a script, like Yo from Shea Craig. Yo lets you send up NC messages that the user must dismiss, rather than disappearing after only a few seconds. In its default build its not going to be branded the same as the Casper Suite Management Notification, but with a little work it could be branded I believe.

Legendary Contributor III

Sorry, dupe post.

Honored Contributor

something like this?

Valued Contributor III

You could always just osascript them with a big popup as a script called at the end of the policy....

Notify_User() {
osascript <<END
display dialog "Here is a big old notification to warn you about something" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "Warning Here is something!" with icon caution


Contributor III

@mm2270 Thanks, I'm going to take a look into YO
@AVmcclint Yes, this is exactly what I'm looking for. If I'm right, what they discuss will affect all banners / alerts. I was hoping to just customize for the JSS but it may be using the system base values.
@Look Thanks, I overlooked something this simple.

I appreciate your responses and I'll let you know what I figure out and decide to do.