Posted on
08:42 AM
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Polling the collective group. For those who are using DEP to manage their devices (in this case, Macs) who is responsible for, or you do you have specific workflows for, assigning devices to your management server? Right now, because I'm the manager of the JSS (and built the pre-enrollment workflow) I grab the Mac PO's as they get posted to our DEP portal. but reading the emails that come in when there is a new posting
The devices submitted by VENDORS NAME on your behalf and received by Apple on February 27, 2018 at 10:36 AM (GMT) are now available to be enrolled in your Apple Device Enrollment Program account.
Makes me think there should be some automated way to assign this to our JSS (or in the case of our mobile devices when we flip that switch, our mobile MDM). I know that my JSS (or JAMF Pro, as you would) will automatically assign DEP policies once it's DEP assigned, but getting there is manual. Am I missing something?
Posted on 02-27-2018 09:48 AM
In the DEP portal, there is an option to automatically assign your devices (off by default). It does not split out iOS or macOS. Go into DEP > Manage Servers and the icon to the left of the server is your "automatically assign" option.
Posted on 02-27-2018 09:53 AM
Thanks for pointing that out. I never would have realized that was a button not an icon. Now it's time to feature request apple I guess to be able to put some controls around this.
Posted on 02-27-2018 10:00 AM
Another "hidden" feature they snuck in is an unassign option, so when you are selecting your serial numbers, you can disown (and once it is gone, it is gone for good), unassign, or assign to server. This is good for devices still in your control that you don't want to go thru DEP enrollment.
Posted on 02-27-2018 06:45 PM
The DEP admin pages are in need of much love. I still cannot delete an admin user who is no longer with the company, and it would be cool to have device filters that automatically assign registered devices to one MDM or the other; the simplest being iOS and Mac. Or by company registering. Or add a reference tag for the order so it can be filtered by a custom reference tag. Where is that Apple user voice portal? ;)
Posted on 02-28-2018 04:13 AM
@cgolebio Basically I pull a slim shady and put all my apple contacts on blast. TAM, Support, SE, Sales. All get "feedback" from my Apple experience. Squeaky wheels get the grease, right?