Deploy with "Mac App Store Apps" or Packages (Force & Optional Deployments

New Contributor

Maybe it's just me but seems like the use of "Mac App Store Apps" in JAMF Pro is missing options?

I'd like to deploy to labs as a mandatory push but then leave all staff with laptops as an optional install with "Self Service". It seems to be one or the other with the "Mac App Store Apps" option.


If we instead go in the route of package deployment then we would just drop using "Mac App Store Apps" option as we would want all deployments of software to be the same version.


Is there an option to push "Mac App Store Apps" but leave certain groups "Self Service" to not receive the app as a force push and only optional?


Valued Contributor II

It's not totally made clear, but you can have duplicate instances of the app under Mac App Store Apps. One can be forced installs and the other Self Service installs. Hit new, search for your app, add it, change your settings then you're off to the races.

Thanks for this!