Posted on 02-26-2009 04:15 PM
Hey All- I received a package from a developer but it was saved as a .app
file. Can Casper deploy .app files? Has anyone tried this?
-- Jonathan H. Smith | Sr. Systems Engineer | Genentech | office: 650-225-4968| mobile: 650-302-6985 | smith.jonathan at |
Posted on 02-26-2009 05:13 PM
Hey Jon, you'll want to use composer to package your app.
The new version works pretty swanky. You can just toss the .app file in your /Applications folder and then open Composer, drag it (the .app) into the left pane and then click "Build as DMG".
You can do the same thing with the older version, you'll just need to either do a prebuilt package, or actually run the snapshot before putting the .app in place, then put it in place and build the package.
Hope this helps! Sorry for the brevity, it's been a... day... ;)
Have a great night,