Posted on 04-03-2013 11:00 AM
We are looking to use homebrew to make installing some things easier. Has anyone done a mass deploy of Homebrew?
Posted on 04-03-2013 11:15 AM
Mass-deploying Homebrew sounds a pain, but you might find this helpful if you want to deploy a set of specific dependencies/"brews":
It's a simple homebrew command plugin I wrote to make it easier to build an installer package out of something already built with Homebrew.
Posted on 04-03-2013 11:36 AM
I don't understand why this should be difficult, the pre req is XCode with Command Line Tools, and then it's a simple terminal command,
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Am I missing something here?
Posted on 04-03-2013 11:54 AM
Installer scripts are simple too, just run a file called "postinstall" - no deployment issues, right?
I know the installation is simple, but there may be assumptions of a single local user, since that's who it's developed for. The issue of it taking ownership of /usr/local by a single user is one that I think would make it a pain in certain environments. Yes, it can be installed elsewhere, but they caution heavily against it, and you'd need to do more work to support it.
From the OP there's no explanation of the target environment/use case. If your target is developers / researchers who need tools compiled but aren't admins, and you give them write access to /usr/local, maybe this is all just fine.
Posted on 04-03-2013 12:14 PM
I was going to go on a rant about how MacPorts blah blah blah but again to each their own. Yes I can see that being a PITA with homebrew (actually I never loved using brew because of some of these exact issues).
Throwing a chmod 777 on /usr/local/brew isn't going to cut it I assume.
That all being said, this just screams to me to use puppet to deploy homebrew
Posted on 04-03-2013 12:27 PM
No, chmodding 777 /usr/local might in fact resolve any issues, if that's acceptable.
In the coming months, Homebrew is setting up a CI infrastructure from Kickstarter funding to actually provide binaries for almost everything, so that should make it a more interesting/usable alternative to MacPorts.
Posted on 04-03-2013 12:27 PM
@hkim. I already tried running that command. The installer script can't be run as root and in that script it prompts for the user to hit enter. (I'm attempting to modify their Ruby script ATM to possibly work with Casper)
@timsutton. Thanks! I'll take a look and get back to you. We want to use Homebrew to install otherwise trying to install rsyslog is a nightmare.
Posted on 04-03-2013 01:23 PM
tayworm in ##osx-server reported that he was running that Homebrew install command in a script run by Munki (which is running as root), and that Homebrew appeared to be installed properly.
If you'd want to track him down or read more, you can see the log here:
Posted on 04-03-2013 06:56 PM
OK…I made this work. There are a few steps, but here goes:
1st, I edited the perl script that brew uses to install itself to remove the pesky "Press ENTER" part. Here's the text of the edited script, which I saved as
# This script installs to /usr/local only. To install elsewhere you can just
# untar anywhere you like or
# change the value of HOMEBREW_PREFIX.
HOMEBREW_PREFIX = '/usr/local'
module Tty extend self
def blue; bold 34; end
def white; bold 39; end
def red; underline 31; end
def reset; escape 0; end
def bold n; escape "1;#{n}" end
def underline n; escape "4;#{n}" end
def escape n; "33[#{n}m" if STDOUT.tty? end
class Array
def shell_s
cp = dup
first = cp.shift{ |arg| arg.gsub " ", "\ " }.unshift(first) * " "
def ohai *args
puts "#{}==>#{Tty.white} #{args.shell_s}#{Tty.reset}"
def warn warning
puts "#{}Warning#{Tty.reset}: #{warning.chomp}"
def system *args
abort "Failed during: #{args.shell_s}" unless Kernel.system *args
def sudo *args
args = if args.length > 1
args.unshift "/usr/bin/sudo"
"/usr/bin/sudo #{args.first}"
ohai *args
system *args
def getc # NOTE only tested on OS X
system "/bin/stty raw -echo"
if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.8.7'
system "/bin/stty -raw echo"
def macos_version
@macos_version ||= /(10.d+)(.d+)?/.match(`/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion`).captures.first.to_f
def git
@git ||= if ENV['GIT'] and File.executable? ENV['GIT']
elsif Kernel.system '/usr/bin/which -s git'
s = `xcrun -find git 2>/dev/null`.chomp
s if $? and not s.empty?
# The block form of Dir.chdir fails later if Dir.CWD doesn't exist which I
# guess is fair enough. Also sudo prints a warning message for no good reason
Dir.chdir "/usr"
####################################################################### script
abort "MacOS too old, see:" if macos_version < 10.5
abort "Don't run this as root!" if Process.uid == 0
abort <<-EOABORT unless `groups`.split.include? "admin"
This script requires the user #{ENV['USER']} to be an Administrator. If this
sucks for you then you can install Homebrew in your home directory or however
you please; please refer to our homepage. If you still want to use this script
set your user to be an Administrator in System Preferences or `su' to a
non-root user with Administrator privileges.
abort <<-EOABORT unless Dir["#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/.git/*"].empty?
It appears Homebrew is already installed. If your intent is to reinstall you
should do the following before running this installer again:
rm -rf #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Cellar #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/.git && brew cleanup
# Tests will fail if the prefix exists, but we don't have execution
# permissions. Abort in this case.
abort <<-EOABORT if HOMEBREW_PREFIX and not File.executable? HOMEBREW_PREFIX
The Homeprew prefix, #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}, exists but is not searchable. If this is
not intentional, please restore the default permissions and try running the
installer again:
sudo chmod 755 #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}
ohai "This script will install:"
puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew"
puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Library/..."
puts "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/man/man1/brew.1"
chmods = %w( . bin etc include lib lib/pkgconfig Library sbin share var var/log share/locale share/man
share/man/man1 share/man/man2 share/man/man3 share/man/man4
share/man/man5 share/man/man6 share/man/man7 share/man/man8
share/info share/doc share/aclocal ).
map{ |d| "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/#{d}" }.
select{ |d| d and (not File.readable? d or not File.writable? d or not File.executable? d) }
chgrps = chmods.reject{ |d| File.stat(d).grpowned? }
unless chmods.empty?
ohai "The following directories will be made group writable:"
puts *chmods
unless chgrps.empty?
ohai "The following directories will have their group set to #{Tty.underline 39}admin#{Tty.reset}:"
puts *chgrps
sudo "/bin/chmod", "g+rwx", *chmods unless chmods.empty?
sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp", "admin", *chgrps unless chgrps.empty?
sudo "/bin/mkdir #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}"
sudo "/bin/chmod g+rwx #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}"
# the group is set to wheel by default for some reason
sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp admin #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}"
ohai "Downloading and Installing Homebrew..."
if git
# we do it in four steps to avoid merge errors when reinstalling
system git, "init", "-q"
system git, "remote", "add", "origin", ""
args = git, "fetch", "origin", "master:refs/remotes/origin/master", "-n"
args << "--depth=1" if ARGV.include? "--fast"
system *args
system git, "reset", "--hard", "origin/master"
# -m to stop tar erroring out if it can't modify the mtime for root owned directories
# pipefail to cause the exit status from curl to propogate if it fails
# we use -k for curl because Leopard has a bunch of bad SSL certificates
curl_flags = "fsSL"
curl_flags << "k" if macos_version == 10.5
system "/bin/bash -o pipefail -c '/usr/bin/curl -#{curl_flags} | /usr/bin/tar xz -m --strip 1'"
warn "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin is not in your PATH." unless ENV['PATH'].split(':').include? "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin"
if macos_version < 10.7
warn "Now install Xcode:" unless File.exist? "/usr/bin/cc"
`/usr/bin/cc --version 2> /dev/null` =~ %r[clang-(d{2,})]
version = $1.to_i
warn %{Install the "Command Line Tools for Xcode":} if version < 425
ohai "Installation successful!"
puts "You should run `brew doctor' *before* you install anything."
puts "Now type: brew help"
Next, I put that script in a .pkg to be installed into /usr/local/bin with global execution rights, and put the package in my imaging workflow
Finally, I created a script triggered by login containing only this:
sudo -u $3 /usr/local/bin/
Posted on 05-14-2014 09:04 AM
We had an existing script that seems to be broken with Mavericks -
#!/bin/bash chown $3:_developer /usr/local/ #download and install homebrew su $3 -c "/bin/bash -o pipefail -c '/usr/bin/curl -skSfL | (cd usr/local ; /usr/bin/tar xz -m --strip 1)'" chown -R $3:_developer /usr/local/lib
Not being a great shell scripter yet, have had no luck repairing the errors -
"bin/bash: line 0: cd: usr/local: No such file or directory
.gitignore: Can't create '.gitignore' Can't create ''"
I tried ooadmin's scripts above, no luck on that either. Any idea's of what's changed with Mavericks? The first line that changed ownership worked, but not the main command line.
Posted on 05-14-2014 09:57 AM
Edit... So believe your error is because you don't have a / before usr/local....
chown $3:_developer /usr/local/
#download and install homebrew
su $3 -c "/bin/bash -o pipefail -c '/usr/bin/curl -skSfL | (cd /usr/local ; /usr/bin/tar xz -m --strip 1)'"
chown -R $3:_developer /usr/local/lib
Posted on 05-14-2014 11:27 AM
I'd like to hear more about your casper/puppet setup
Posted on 01-08-2015 12:11 PM
I just got this working myself by reading through the brew script they have you curl and execute. Not too much really happens in it.
#Getting Username
user=`ls -la /dev/console | cut -d " " -f 4`
#Modifying permissions and creating directories
chmod g+rwx /usr/local
chgrp admin /usr/local
mkdir /Library/Caches/Homebrew
chmod g+rwx /Library/Caches/Homebrew
chown -R $user /Library/Caches
chmod g+rwx /usr/local/bin
chgrp admin /usr/local/bin
#Downlading and installing Homebrew
cd /usr/local
git init -q
git config remote.origin.url
git fetch origin master:refs/remotes/origin/master -n
git reset --hard origin/master
chown -R $user $(ls | grep -v bin)
chown $user /usr/local/bin/brew
chgrp admin /usr/local/bin/brew
#Creating .bash_profile with new path but checking there isn't one already
if [ ! -f /Users/$user/.bash_profile ]; then
sudo -u $user echo "PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> /Users/$user/.bash_profile
Posted on 06-13-2015 04:55 PM
Apologies to rehash an old topic, but this seemed to be the most relevant audience.
I'm attempting to create a offline brew package for installation and usage by non-administrative users.
Once installed, users should be able to use brew to install most packages. Packages that require elevated access I assume we'll still need to look at an appropriate way to distribute these.
I'm just about to check out @timsutton's work but reading through the various scripts above, it suggests that most of your user group has no proxy infrastructure, therefore allowing full unauthenticated internet connectivity to github from each machine. If this isn't the case, I'd be interested in hearing on how you have configured proxy details on your managed machines, including usernames / passwords for casper service accounts as well as standard users.