Deploying .pfx Certificates?

Not applicable

Hi JAMF Nation!

I'm currently attempting to add two certificates to the JSS as OS X Config profiles, both are in a .pfx format. The issues I'm running into is that the JSS keeps saying 'Could not read file'. How do you guys attempt to make a .pfx certs into a Casper readable certificate?

My goal:
1:Deploy cert to System Keychain
2: Make the two .pfx files and the files in it 'Trusted for all users'.


New Contributor II

You should be able to simply change the extension to .p12 and be good to go.

Not applicable


Renamed it and the JSS still can't read it. I haven't tried putting into Casper Admin yet (not at work).

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@Abdiaziz, if you import thr certs into a Macs Keychain... You should then be able to export them in a format that the JSS will take.

I'd then deploy the certs via a profile.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Sounds like it might be encoded in an incompatible format. I've used openssl in the terminal to convert in the past:

openssl pkcs12 -in /path/to/file.pfx -out /path/to/new/file.pem -nodes

Not applicable

Got new certificates in .pfx format, it worked. Something must have been wrong with the originals.