Device active state?


Was not sure how to title this one. I recently noticed a policy that was pushing a package failing on most devices. They all had the failed package download error. On inspection I found that the devices were actually NOT in use, the users said the device was left switched on but was asleep. Yet Jamf reports them as checking in and as such tries to deploy the policy, which then endlessly fails.

I have never seen this behavior in the past, seems to be new. Anyone else seen this?

  1. Jamf Pro sees up to date check-in for device.
  2. Application usage log shows no activity.
  3. User claims device was not in active use.
  4. Policy pushing a pkg will fail.

If at number 2 I see application usage, aka device is in use, the policy will complete. So it looks like Jamf is trying to push things to devices that are in sleep mode?


Im confused.


Esteemed Contributor

A daemon is probably hung and the device needs to be rebooted. We actually have a policy that force reboots devices after 7 days uptime so stuff like this does not happen (as much). I have seen all kinds of screwy things from unattended devices with long up times.

New Contributor II

I ran into this just recently in seeing devices with a recent check in, but yet not responding to inventory commands or other things being pushed to the device.  There is a setting called power nap that will allow your mac to do things like use wireless and keep things like your email up to date and I've found it responds to check in requests as well.  This may be what you're seeing as well.