Directory Bindings

New Contributor

So I understand you can use the JSS to mas deploy binding of your machines to AD/OD rather than do it manually individually, correct?

But one thing that I think kind of defeat this feature is that you cannot customize the Computer OU name for multiple machines at once. My suggestion to JAMF would be to program this so you can set it to add machines in series say for e.g. COMPANYNAME1001 and then let it increase so next will be COMPANYNAME1002 etc.

Is this doable and would it be possible to see this in a update perhaps? :)



You should move this to the feature request area so we can vote it up :)

Legendary Contributor III

I'm not entirely understanding what you're looking for. Are you saying you would like each Mac to be dropped into its own OU when binding happens? If so, I'm curious why you might want that? Wouldn't that make your AD environment insanely cluttered up with OUs?
If that's not what you're asking for, can you clarify what you really would like to see?

Contributor II

I think there is a "Middle-Ground" here, where more then one OU can be useful,
especially for instance, where there are real differences in the "Organisation's real structure"

So there is a difference between:
1: One OU for all
2: Select one from several OU's
3: A Separate OU for each machine -- A crazy option that does not make any sense..

The choice is not (1) or (3), it's (1) or (2)..

OU's might be decided for instance by site..
or might be decided by some other internal organisational requirement..

For example in an educational context: a different OU, may be wanted to distinguish between
LAB Machines and STAFF Machines..