Disable Parental Controls for Guest User

New Contributor

Jamf Version 9.3
OS X 10.9.4

Is there any way to disable "Enable parental controls" under "Allow guests to log in to this computer" through Casper or possibly terminal?

I have Allow Guest User enabled in a Configuration Profile. No clue how enable parental controls got set, but we cannot get anywhere on Chrome or Firefox under Guest User on any of our 10.9 machines.


New Contributor II

I'm having the same issue, did you manage to fix this?

New Contributor

I made a new ongoing policy in Casper with the Login trigger to solve this issue. I entered the command below into the "Execute Command" box under the "Files and Processes" tab.

rm -f /Library/Managed Preferences/Guest/com.apple.familycontrols.contentfilter.plist

Another option would be to manually remove the setting on every computer in question. If you have a Login Window config profile set that has the "Allow Guest" checked, add the computers to the exclusion list. Then manually go into each computer and uncheck "Enable parental controls" under Guest User. Then renable the config profile and everything should work correctly.

New Contributor II

Developed a more elegant solution. Just have a policy run this once on every machine. So far, so good.

dscl . -mcxdelete Users/Guest

It should get rid of any MCX preference stored in the Guest account.


We are using the guest account in our environment. Works great! except this Parental Control!! so we have ran

rm -f /Library/Managed Preferences/Guest/com.apple.familycontrols.contentfilter.plist

BAM! gets rid of the Parental Controls, but now every other time your login using the guest account you get a gray screen.

Reboot, login as guest it works.
logout, login as guest Grey screen. the only thing you can do is reboot.
login as guest, works again.
logout, login as guest Grey screen again.

anyone else having this issue?

New Contributor

I had this same issue. It is an issue with Casper. Called a couple months ago and worked with their support on it, they acknowledged it was an issue on their end and said there developers would look into it and hoped to get it fixed in a future update. Like I said, this was a couple months ago and I have not seen this issue resolved in any release notes since.


Any update on this? I'm having this same issue with 10.10 Macs with Guest enabled thru a config profile.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I've got a script for this, which I'm using on several kiosk Macs:


# Remove management from Guest account

/usr/bin/dscl . -mcxdelete /Users/Guest

The script is set to run on startup.

New Contributor

I was able to make a policy with above script and have work as needed for 10.10.3 and 10.11.1 with JSS 9.82. I chose to have policy run once per computer but have the triggers on startup, login, logout, network change, or check-in. Interesting to note, if the computer is at login screen when the policy completes and one logs in as Guest, you may have to logout Guest and log back in as Guest to enforce the script to function properly and have no parental controls for web browsing. I have noticed this with a few on the test we did before rolling this out to production.