Disabled Accounts

New Contributor

I am experiencing instances when all the login accounts both Admin and Standard are being disabled. The login window states: "Your account have been disabled. Contact your system administrator for more information" This happens for a while and then I try again later and one of the accounts allows me to login but others do not. I am new to JAMF...can anyone provide me with a solution? I should point out that this is only happening on a few iMacs. I am only deployed 10 iMacs/Macbooks. Some do not have any problems while a couple do.


Contributor II

I've seen this message as well occasionally, affecting local accounts only i think. I believe it has to do with pwpolicy. I've run "sudo pwpolicy -clearaccountpolicies" in the past and that has resolved the issue (for at least awhile). If you can't log into the system directly with any account, then you can use Casper Remote to execute that command directly on the affected system (no need for sudo then of course).

My assumption at this point (for my systems at least) is that I have some JAMF policy that is applying a setting to pwpolicy. Haven't dug through it further yet at this point, so i'm not certain.

New Contributor

Thank you for your response. I have turned off any password/login policies and pretty much anything to do with security. I have tried doing things through Casper Remote and it keeps saying the SSH is not enabled...which it is as far as the iMac says. It seems to come and go. It sometimes only affects one login of the two or three.


@Jason @HarmoniumIT i saw this too today. I'm just testing a configuration profile including Maximum number of failed attempts and Delay after failed login attempts, before that i used "sudo pwpolicy -clearaccountpolicie" but there is no way on JSS to unlock the account