Discussion on Apple in the enterprise live from #MACADUK this Tuesday

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi all,

During the MACADUK conference in London next week, we'll be hosting a live streamed Q & A discussing Apple in the enterprise.

This will be hosted by JAMF Software’s Gib Chan and me Tuesday 16:00 GMT 08:00 PST

As Apple adoption is growing within organisations, challenges are being presented to IT departments that are more used to deploying Windows devices. Integration / compatibility issues, knowledge gaps, budget restraints to name a few!

Feel free to post your questions or opinions on this discussion, or by emailing hello@macad.uk

Hopefully see some of you next week :)


Honored Contributor

Is there a URL we can keep our eye on and add to our calendars (and our bosses' calendars)?

New Contributor III

Look forward to seeing this Dave!!


Does anyone have the URL for this livestream?

Honored Contributor

I guess we have to belong to a super secret club to get the information required to watch the stream. Way to go @davidacland for teasing and not delivering.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Sorry guys, today has been manic with macaduk. We did a quick Q & A and will post the video anyway.