Distribution Point has to be smb or afp enabled? http only possible?


Hi All

i was wondering does the non-master DP(linux file share) has to be smb or afp enabled? is it possible to use http only?
if http only DP possible, how to set up the read-only read-write account and permission to share folder?



Contributor III

Just put in fake placeholder values for the smb section. As long as the apache side of things is working clients will default to http for any package downloads. You won't get block copy imaging on that distro point but normal package installations will be fine.


@psliequ any setting for the readonly and readwrite accounts?

Valued Contributor

@Dalmatian This link should help explain it. They run through setting up Box as an HTTP/HTTPS only distribution point(DP).

The annoying thing is that Casper Admin uses smb and afp to replicate files between DPs. So if you want to use an HTTP/HTTPS only DP, you'll have to figure out another way to sync the two together.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@Dalmatian & @McAwesome Casper Imaging also defaults to the AFP/SMB details (unless a JDS).

So something to be aware of.

Valued Contributor III

@bentoms Doesn't the linux JDS now have an AFP share as part of it purely for imaging?

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@franton erm it used to be additional. Not checked to see if it's default.

Valued Contributor

I just started playing with HTTP distribution points.....does Casper Imaging work with them at all? Searched the documentation and nation and couldn't find a clear answer.

Everything works fine from my SMB share, but if I try to image from the new HTTP share I get a "Could not mount DP" error immediately.

Tried it from netboot. HTTP share works fine to run policies/Casper Remote.