EA for Outlook Add-ins

Contributor III

With injection add-ins for Outlook being removed in May we would like to know what Outlook Add-ins users may of installed.

Is there a Jamf EA or script to find this out


Contributor III

@MatG To start us off, I have updated EA's that detect Zoom and WebEx injection-based plug-ins on my Github: - WebEx - Zoom

Hope this helps!


Contributor III

@pbowden Is the xml code supposed to be included as part of that? I think I can pull out of that the correct stuff but some might not know how.

Contributor III

@jhuls ahh, I formatted the file in the Upload format that Jamf expects for EAs. If this is confusing, I can convert it back to a regular shell script.

Contributor III

Ah, I'll give it a try. Honestly, I've never uploaded EA's so I didn't even think of it. If the script is small and simple enough to look through so I know what it does, I just copy and paste it in otherwise I download it, review, and test it locally first before plugging it into Jamf.

I can work with it either way. Just figured I would mention it in case it wasn't intended to be that way.

New Contributor

Add-ins for Outlook are applications that extend the usefulness of Outlook clients by adding information or tools that your users can use without having to leave Outlook. Add-ins are built by third-party developers and can be installed either from a file or URL or from the Office Store.


Contributor II

@MatG Did you find a solution for this? I'd like to create an EA that displays whether or not the Salesforce for Outlook add-in is installed, but so far I can't find where it lives in the Finder.

Contributor III

@john.sherrod I have an EA on my GitHub that will list all the web-based add-ins that Outlook has loaded. https://github.com/pbowden-msft/ExtensionAttributes/blob/master/Outlook_AddIns.sh
If you're using the Salesforce add-in from AppSource (e.g. https://appsource.microsoft.com/en-us/product/office/wa104379334?tab=overview) this EA will find it.

Contributor II

Thank you so much, @pbowden! I've put that into effect and I'm starting to see data populating into my smart group. Weirdly on my Mac I don't have a com.microsoft.Outlook folder in my ~/Library/Containers folder. Do you know why that might be? Outlook is fully functional on my Mac despite that folder not being present. Just curious if there are other Macs in my organization who are also missing that folder.

Valued Contributor II

Yes Thank you @pbowden. Maybe I'm missing something, but when I run this on my laptop, I'm getting a result of "None". As you can see in the attached screenshot, I've got 6 add-ins added. feac4eb203f8468e88b06aee46903565

I've also noticed that I've got 2 folders which manifest files can be found. One that seems to be tied to "New Outlook" and the other is the non-"New Outlook".


Contributor II

Found it. Mine's in ~/Library/Containers/Microsoft Outlook/Data/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/16.0/Wef. I'll have to modify the EA script to look in both locations.

Contributor II

Actually, figured out the issue. Even though it appears in the finder as the file path I listed above, when I drag into Terminal it shows the same file path as what Paul has in his EA script. So everything is working on my end!

Contributor III

@DBrowning Thanks for alerting me to this scenario! I've made some changes to the logic to account for multiple folders, and to also handle the binary files that New Outlook uses. Can you download the latest script (https://github.com/pbowden-msft/ExtensionAttributes/blob/master/Outlook_AddIns.sh) and let me know your results?

Thanks! Paul.

Valued Contributor II

good news @pbowden!! That is working for my device now!!

Contributor III

Sweet, thanks for confirming @DBrowning !

Contributor II

I can confirm it works for me as well, @pbowden ! Thank you so much!


This is not working on macOS Monterey. I get two errors.

command substitution: line 28: syntax error near unexpected token `('

command substitution: line 28: `print -lr -- $HOME/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.Outlook/Data/Library/Application\ Support/Microsoft/Office/16.0/Wef/**/Manifests(om[1,1])'

Valued Contributor II

odd.... i've been running the betas of Monterey for a while now and its still working for me....

@DBrowning I can now confirm it was a mistake on my part. The scripts works!! 😁

New Contributor II

@isradame what did you do to fix that?  I'm getting the same syntax error, but can not figure out where the issues is. Thanks!! 

@sbiondio4 I was getting the syntax error when testing using the CodeRunner application. But when I ran the Outlook_AddIns.sh on my test device, it worked.

New Contributor

This script works for me, but is there any way to include the version of each add-ins?

thank you

New Contributor II

Would this EA work if we point to the other office apps to see what Addins it has?