Posted on 02-01-2018 10:30 AM
We're using sites to assign machines to specific departments for rights delegation.
Does anyone have an existing EA that will return the site assigned? One of our regular reports now needs the info, just trying to figure out the best solution.
Longer version:
We have 4 departments in the organization. I'm currently assigning machines to their respective department via sites. I've not found any way to automatically assign machines to a department, building, etc., or I'd use that for the report instead, but if anyone has a good method, I'm all ears. The ability to do so via an LDAP query would be fantastic but I've not explored that route yet.. one of these days when I have some of that "free time" I'll take a look :)
Posted on 02-01-2018 10:34 AM
# This script uses the client's serial number to make an API call so we can store its assigned site.
serialNo=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep 'Serial Number (system)' | awk '{print $NF}')
site=`curl -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -u read:readonly$serialNo/subset/general -X GET | sed -e 's,.*<name>([^<]*)</name>.*,1,g'`
echo "<result>$site</result>"
Posted on 02-01-2018 11:05 AM
We typically move anything that takes more than .01 seconds into two pieces. A script to run the API command and output the Site to a file (once a day policy) and then an EA to scoop up the Site from the file. For security reasons we move the API credentials and URL to Script Parameters.
# Parameters
# Get UDID of computer
udid=$( ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | awk '/IOPlatformUUID/ { split($0, line, """); printf("%s
", line[4]); }' )
# Get Site
siteName=$( /usr/bin/curl -s -u ${apiUser}:${apiPass} ${jssURL}/JSSResource/computers/udid/${udid} | /usr/bin/xpath '/computer/general/site/name[1]/text()' 2>/dev/null )
# Send Site to file to get picked up by EA on next Inventory Update
if [[ $siteName ]]; then
echo "${siteName}" > /Library/Company/APIscripts/checkSite.txt
echo "NotAvailable" > /Library/Company/APIscripts/checkSite.txt
exit 0
Posted on 02-01-2018 11:20 AM
Thanks, and thanks especially for the idea of moving the credentials. I'd found the 1st script, but didn't want to stick a PW into it... hadn't occurred to me to do it the other way. I'd REALLY like a way to simply do it without having to script the thing, but that's one of those "hey, already in the database!" issues that makes me scratch my head :)
Meanwhile, think I may have figured out a way to pull the computer's .ou from AD via adquerry (we use Centrify), but taking a closer look.
Posted on 02-01-2018 12:21 PM
I just want to clarify that those aren't actually my credentials. They're just there to symbolize a read-only account.
I like @donmontalvo 's way of doing it. I was just too lazy to do it that way at the time.
Posted on 02-01-2018 03:02 PM
@Taylor.Armstrong I can confirm those were not @Asnyder's credentials. #tongueInCheek
Using parameters for sensitive/confidential stuff is not my idea, it's Jamf's recommendation.
We do our scripting using flat files, then when we move it into Jamf Pro we hide that stuff.